Against all odds - Danielle's Artwork

About the NFT

A Masterpiece created by the insanely talented Danielle Weber. After an absolute WAR of an auction, i was lucky enough to secure the winning bid... and a ton of anxiety haha. The story and representation behind this piece is amazing, Mike Tyson is a Legend!

About the Project

Saying that Mike Tyson’s life and career had been crazy is an understatement. It has been quite a fight for the professional boxer with a life riddled with criticism and controversy that he withstood without throwing in the towel. The challenges he faced bore many faces, like the ghoulish masks his favourite childhood character Scooby-Doo would remove from his villains. Always pushing through the odds, Scooby-Doo is not unlike Mike in tenacity. In a world saturated with chaos and competition, this piece has him donning the Dark Knight’s cape and cowl, illustrating how Mike rises above the noise while keeping his youthful perseverance as exemplified by his favourite Great Dane.

The Stats

The Owner: Dylanslav

The Artist/Creator: Danielle Weber

Date Purchased & Price: 09.02.22 | 3.36Eth

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